Diploma in Business Management
Level 5
Course Overview The Qualification is made up of 6 units. All units are mandatory and required by learners to be awarded the Level 5 Diploma in Business Enterprise. The Qualification provides comprehensive coverage of the issues, challenges and disciplines growth …
Course Overview
The Qualification is made up of 6 units. All units are mandatory and required by learners to be awarded the Level 5 Diploma in Business Enterprise. The Qualification provides comprehensive coverage of the issues, challenges and disciplines growth organisations or business start-ups face. Learners who want to make a success of their own business venture or to develop their skills in promoting or creating growth in organisations will gain significantly from this qualification. The Level 4 modules and assignments of this course are equivalent to the first year of a University Degree.
This course is made up of 06 Level 5 modules (120 credits) which includes 6 written assignments. Each module consists of approximately 40 guided learning hours of material with an additional 30-50 hours of optional learning material. These materials comprise recommended exercises, recommended readings and internet resources.
The Level 5 units are also designed to dove-tail into a top-up undergraduate year at a UK University.